Knowledge Level of Diarrhea among Biology Students in Enugu State Colleges of Education

Emmanuel Ikechukwu Nnamonu

Department of Biology, Federal College of Education, Eha-Amufu, Nigeria.

Kingsley Chukwujindu Ezugwu *

Department of Biology, Federal College of Education, Eha-Amufu, Nigeria.

Casmir C. Ekwueme

Department of Biology, Federal College of Education, Eha-Amufu, Nigeria.

Onyinye Rachael Okoro

Department of Biology, Federal College of Education, Eha-Amufu, Nigeria.

*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.


Aims: It investigated the knowledge level of diarrhea among college of education students in Enugu state.

Methodology: Descriptive survey research design was adopted for the study. The population of the study was 5673 biology students of colleges of education in Enugu state. The sample size of the study was 284 respondents using the Taro Yamani formula and simple random sampling techniques. The questionnaire was used for data collection.

Results: Based on the analysis, the following major findings were made: the students know the five key research questions. From the findings, the following recommendations were made: lecturers in biology and health Education in different College Education in Enugu State should strengthen their teachings on diarrhea once the students varied in their responses. More research that is scientific should be conducted in the Colleges on the Endemic knowledge of diarrhea as they seem to know little about it. All methods of oral rehydration therapy should be taught to Students and Mothers as a method of management of diarrhea.

Conclusion: The research concluded that the College of Education Students in Enugu State displayed a high level of knowledge regarding the causes, signs, symptoms, transmission, and preventive measures of diarrhea, highlighting the effectiveness of educational initiatives in the region and emphasizing their potential for valuable contributions to public health interventions. Overall, the study underscored the exceptional and extensive endemic knowledge of diarrhea among the students, serving as a valuable resource for enhancing awareness and prevention of diarrheal diseases in the area.

Keywords: Diarrhea, knowledge, biology student, college, education

How to Cite

Nnamonu, Emmanuel Ikechukwu, Kingsley Chukwujindu Ezugwu, Casmir C. Ekwueme, and Onyinye Rachael Okoro. 2024. “Knowledge Level of Diarrhea Among Biology Students in Enugu State Colleges of Education”. South Asian Journal of Parasitology 7 (2):119-26.


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